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Programs and Activities

Valuable teaching often happens in informal settings including in after-school programs, community education classes, summer camps, and at home.

Many activities are included in the Walk! Bike! Fun! Ambassadors Guide, which prepares adults to implement activities that reinforce concepts and objectives of the complete WBF curriculum being taught in schools as well as a Safe Routes to School plan being implemented in the community.

WBF Ambassador activities can be done in conjunction with an existing WBF program or as standalone efforts.

The WBF Ambassador Guide contains background information on the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, including external references, which provide important context for these supporting activities. We believe – and the research indicates – that the effects of these efforts are maximized when combined as part of a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program that includes the “Six Es” approach: Evaluation, Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Engagement, and Equity.